川崎 満孝(画家) 著 道 Kawasaki 心の旅 Nature Kawasaki Spritual Trip ―― Painting, Poem and Music Perfomance―― 発売中 書評 B5判並製 152頁 本体 2000円(カラー 64ページ)
世界23カ国放浪後、信州を拠点に旺盛な画業と総合芸術活動に取り組むドン・キーおじさんこと川崎満孝。 Mitsuraka Kawasaki is called "Don key ojisan ". He will publish his book with picture and poem for the first time. He think about human future.…Truth is discovered by a few people for the first time. Even if few people understand his sprit , it will be understood by many people for the future.(Sadajiro Kubo)
1989年 3月13日
略歴 1946年 埼玉県大宮市に生まれる/1958年 中学校時代に絵を描き始める/1972年 関東以西,沖縄などを放浪しながら絵を描く/1974年 久保貞次郎に出会う 瀬戸市にて初の個展を開く/1975〜79年 東南アジア,インド,ネパール,中近東方面を放浪しながら絵を描き続ける/特にインドでは,ヨーガ,仏道修行に専念する /1981年 松本市にて個展,以後毎年個展 /1985年 長野県北安曇野郡 池田町に移住 陶芸を始める 音の遊びに熱中しはじめる/1986年 銅版画を始める/1993年 東アフリカを5ヵ月。ヨーロッパを4ヵ月。研修の旅をする。 1996年 パフォーマンス名を「ドン・キー」と名付け、平和のコミュンケーション活動として、音楽パフォーマンスを各地で演じはじめる。/1998 スイス ジュネーブ O'GaLLERYにて「川崎満孝個展」を1ヵ月間開催する。 /2000年 「ドン・キーおじさんのパフォーマンス」The Heartを松本市音楽文化フォールにて公演する。
About Kawasaki 1946 Born at Omiya in Saitama/1958 He started to draw picture in junior high school at the first time/ 1972 He drawned picture, roaming in west of Kansai and Okinawa and so on./1974 He got to know Sadajiro Kubo.His painting was displayed at his personal exhibition in Seto./1975〜79 He continued to draw pictures, roaming in south-east Asia, India, Nepal, the Near and Middle East. Especially in India, he concentrated on the training of Yoga and Buddism./1981 His painting was displayed at his personal exhibition in Matsumoto.From then , his personal exhibition annualy was opened./1985 He moved to Ikedacyo, Kita Azuminogun in Nagano. He started to make ceramic art and enjoyed playing music./1986 He started making copperplate prints.
参考 :『久保貞次郎美術教育論集 上、下』、『北川民次児童美術教育論集 上、下』、
既刊案内(2010年 6月21日発売)(久保氏推薦文)
Painting by Mitsutaka Kawasaki Sadajiro Kubo
It is about 15 years that I know this artist. He learned art from Syun Takamori. He was a veteran teacher who joined in “Soubi”avant-garde art movement.
After that time, Kawasaki went to India and found the dream to look for, enjoying India Nature Life.
After going back to Japan, he refused modern life stoically.He concentrated on his artist life,having few objects.He draw this earth as if it is paradise. He tried to communicate with universe all the time with no objects.He imitated Henri Russeau who was a customs officer.
For being sensitive in modern hard life,it is nessesary that people refuse modern life.
Until now , he had tried to be sensitive.He will go to the core of sensitiveness by a few steps.
私は変なおじさん かわったおじさん
クレイジーなおじさん ドン・キーおじさんです
『子どもの絵は心』、『子どもカレンダー 2014』、『子どもの絵は心を表す』;検索